Αr15 RNA - definition. What is Αr15 RNA
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Αr15 RNA         
  •  doi = 10.1186/1471-2105-9-474 }}</ref> Smr15C1 and Smr15C2 are colored with a base probability scheme. The coloring of the αr15 family structure follows a base pairs conservation scheme: Red: base pair occurring in all sequences used to generate the consensus; yellow: two types of base pairing occur; Green: three types of base pairing occur. The shading of base pairs represents: Saturated, no inconsistent sequences; Pale, one inconsistent sequence; Very pale, two inconsistent sequences.
  • Figure 2: Covariance Model in stockholm format showing the consensus structure for the αr15 family. Each of the stems represented by the structure line #=GC SS_cons is in a different color, corresponding the red one to the rho independent terminator stem.  Covariance Model in stockholm format can be downloaded [http://gps-tools2.its.yale.edu/ar15_seed.pfam here.]
  • Figure 3: Phylogenetic distribution of known and predicted αr9 genes. Gene numbers are based on computational analysis using the program Infernal. Legend: Smr15C1 = ''Sinorhizobium meliloti'' 1021 (NC_003047), Smr15C2 = ''Sinorhizobium meliloti'' 1021 (NC_003047), Smr15A = ''Sinorhizobium meliloti'' 1021 plasmid pSymA (NC_003037), Smedr15C1 = ''Sinorhizobium medicae'' WSM419 chromosome (NC_009636), Smedr15C2 = ''Sinorhizobium medicae'' WSM419chromosome (NC_009636), Smedr15p03 = ''Sinorhizobium medicae'' WSM419 plasmid pSMED03 (NC_009622), Sfr15C1 = ''Sinorhizobium fredii'' NGR234 chromosome (NC_012587), Sfr15C2 = ''Sinorhizobium fredii'' NGR234 chromosome (NC_012587), Sfr15b = ''Sinorhizobium fredii'' NGR234 plasmid pNGR234b (NC_012586), Atr15C2 = ''Agrobacterium tumefaciens'' str. C58 chromosome circular (NC_003062), Atr15C1 = ''Agrobacterium tumefaciens'' str. C58 chromosome circular (NC_003062), AH13r15C2 = ''Agrobacterium'' sp. H13-3 chromosome (NC_015183), AH13r15C1 = ''Agrobacterium'' sp. H13-3 chromosome (NC_015183), AH13r15a = ''Agrobacterium'' sp. H13-3 plasmid pAspH13-3a (NC_015184), ReCIATr15C2 = ''Rhizobium etli'' CIAT 652 (NC_010994), ReCIATr15C1 = ''Rhizobium etli'' CIAT 652 (NC_010994), ReCIATr15pC = ''Rhizobium etli'' CIAT 652 plasmid pC (NC_010997), ReCIATr15B = ''Rhizobium etli'' CIAT 652 plasmid pB (NC_010996), Arr15CI2 = ''Agrobacterium radiobacter'' K84 chromosome 1 (NC_011985), Arr15CI1 = ''Agrobacterium radiobacter'' K84 chromosome 1 (NC_011985), Arr15CII = ''Agrobacterium radiobacter'' K84 chromosome 2 (NC_011983), Rlt2304r15C2 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM2304 chromosome (NC_011369), Rlt2304r15C1 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM2304 chromosome (NC_011369), Avr15C2 = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 chromosome 1 (NC_011989), Avr15C1 = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 chromosome 2 (NC_011989), Avr15pAtc = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 plasmid pAtS4c (NC_011984), Avr15Ate = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 plasmid pAtS4e (NC_011981), Avr15Ti = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 plasmid pTiS4 (NC_011982), Rlvr15C2 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. viciae 3841 (NC_008380), Rlvr15C1 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. viciae 3841 (NC_008380), Rlvr15p10 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. viciae 3841 plasmid pRL10 (NC_008381), Rlvr15p11 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. viciae 3841 plasmid pRL11 (NC_008384), Rlt1325r15C2 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM1325 (NC_012850), Rlt1325r15C1 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM1325 (NC_012850), Rlt1325r15p02 = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM1325 plasmid pR132502 (NC_012858), ReCFNr15C2 = ''Rhizobium etli'' CFN 42 (NC_007761), ReCFNr15C1 = ''Rhizobium etli'' CFN 42 (NC_007761), ReCFNr15d = ''Rhizobium etli'' CFN 42 symbiotic plasmid p42d (NC_004041), ReCFNr15a = ''Rhizobium etli'' CFN 42 plasmid p42a (NC_007762), Mlr15a = ''Mesorhizobium loti'' MAFF303099 plasmid pMLa (NC_002679), Bcr15CII = ''Brucella canis'' ATCC 23365 chromosome II (NC_010104), Bcr15CI2 = ''Brucella canis'' ATCC 23365 chromosome I (NC_010103), Bcr15CI1 = ''Brucella canis'' ATCC 23365 chromosome I (NC_010103), Bs23445r15CI2 = ''Brucella suis'' ATCC 23445 chromosome I (NC_010169), Bs23445r15CI1 = ''Brucella suis'' ATCC 23445 chromosome I (NC_010169), Bs23445r15CII = ''Brucella suis'' ATCC 23445 chromosome II (NC_010167), Bm16MCI = ''Brucella melitensis'' bv. 1 str. 16M chromosome I (NC_003317), Bm16Mr15CII = ''Brucella melitensis'' bv. 1 str. 16M chromosome II (NC_003318), BaS19r15CII = ''Brucella abortus'' S19 chromosome 2 (NC_010740), BaS19r15CI2 = ''Brucella abortus'' S19 chromosome 1 (NC_010742), BaS19r15CI1 = ''Brucella abortus'' S19 chromosome 1 (NC_010742), Bm23457r15CII = ''Brucella melitensis'' ATCC 23457 chromosome II (NC_012442), Bm23457r15CI = ''Brucella melitensis'' ATCC 23457 chromosome I (NC_012441), Bs1330r15CII = ''Brucella suis'' 1330 chromosome II (NC_004311), Bs1330r15CI2 = ''Brucella suis'' 1330 chromosome I (NC_004310), Bs1330r15CI1 = ''Brucella suis'' 1330 chromosomeI (NC_004310), Ba19941r15CI2 = ''Brucella abortus'' bv. 1 str. 9-941 chromosome I (NC_006932), Ba19941r15CI1 = ''Brucella abortus'' bv. 1 str. 9-941 chromosome I (NC_006932), Ba19941r15CII = ''Brucella abortus'' bv. 1 str. 9-941 chromosome II (NC_006933), Bmar15CII = ''Brucella melitensis'' biovar Abortus 2308 chromosome II (NC_007624), Bmar15CI2 = ''Brucella melitensis'' biovar Abortus 2308 chromosome I (NC_007618), Bmar15CI1 = ''Brucella melitensis'' biovar Abortus 2308 chromosome I (NC_007618), Bor15CI2 = ''Brucella ovis'' ATCC 25840 chromosome I (NC_009505), Bor15CI1 = ''Brucella ovis'' ATCC 25840 chromosome I (NC_009505), Bor15CII = ''Brucella ovis'' ATCC 25840 chromosome II (NC_009504), Bmir15CII = ''Brucella microti'' CCM 4915 chromosome 2 (NC_013118), Bmr15CI2 = ''Brucella microti'' CCM 4915 chromosome 1 (NC_013119), Bmir15CI1 = ''Brucella microti'' CCM 4915 chromosome 1 (NC_013119), Oar15CI = ''Brucella anthropi'' ATCC 49188 chromosome 1 (NC_009667), Oar15CII = ''Brucella anthropi'' ATCC 49188 chromosome 2 (NC_009668).
  • Figure 5: Graphic representation of the 15C seed members' promoter region. All members presented putative σ70 promoters with -30 and -10 boxes marked in green and red respectively. Conserved motifs are marked with orange and red color boxes.
  • Figure 4: Genomic context scheme of Smr15 and its closest homologues in other organisms. The αr15 RNA genes are represented by red arrows and the flanking ORFs by arrows on different colors depending on their product function (legend). Numbers indicate the αr15 RNA gene's and flanking ORFs coordinates in each organism genome database. The gene strand is represented with the file direction. On the left of the figure identification names are used which correspond to a certain organism: Legend: αr15_Smr15C = ''Sinorhizobium meliloti'' 1021 (NC_003047), αr15_Smedr15C = ''Sinorhizobium medicae'' WSM419 chromosome (NC_009636), αr15_Sfr15C = ''Sinorhizobium fredii'' NGR234 chromosome (NC_012587), αr15_Atr15C = ''Agrobacterium tumefaciens'' str. C58 chromosome circular (NC_003062), αr15_AH13r15C = ''Agrobacterium'' sp. H13-3 chromosome (NC_015183), αr15_ReCIATr15C = ''Rhizobium etli'' CIAT 652 (NC_010994), αr15_Arr15CI = ''Agrobacterium radiobacter'' K84 chromosome 1 (NC_011985), αr15_Rlt2304r15C = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM2304 chromosome (NC_011369), αr15_Avr15C = ''Agrobacterium vitis'' S4 chromosome 1 (NC_011989), αr15_Rlvr15C = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. viciae 3841 (NC_008380), αr15_Rlt1325r15C = ''Rhizobium leguminosarum'' bv. trifolii WSM1325 (NC_012850), αr15_ReCFNr15C = ''Rhizobium etli'' CFN 42 (NC_007761).
αr15 is a family of bacterial small non-coding RNAs with representatives in a broad group of α-proteobacteria from the order Rhizobiales. The first members of this family (smr15C1 and smrC15C2) were found tandemly arranged in the same intergenic region (IGR) of the Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 chromosome (C).
Antisense RNA         
Rna, antisense; Antisense rna; Antisense mRNA; Anti-sense RNA; AsRNA; Antisense gene
Antisense RNA (asRNA), also referred to as antisense transcript, natural antisense transcript (NAT) or antisense oligonucleotide, is a single stranded RNA that is complementary to a protein coding messenger RNA (mRNA) with which it hybridizes, and thereby blocks its translation into protein. asRNAs (which occur naturally) have been found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and can be classified into short (200 nucleotides) non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs).
RNA editing         
  • The effect of C-to-U RNA editing on the human ApoB gene
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RNA Editing; Rna editing; Editosome; RNA modification
RNA editing (also RNA modification) is a molecular process through which some cells can make discrete changes to specific nucleotide sequences within an RNA molecule after it has been generated by RNA polymerase. It occurs in all living organisms and is one of the most evolutionarily conserved properties of RNAs.